The Dartmouth Trust is managed by a voluntary Board of Trustees with the assistance of 3 part-time office staff. Details of our latest accounts and Trustees can be found on the Charity Commission website. The Trustee's are responsible for the careful management of the Charity's endowment. The main objects of the Charity as set out in its Scheme dated 28th March 1988, is to manage its portfolio to obtain the best income. Currently the portfolio is a mix of directly held property investments and charity income funds.
All income after costs, is distributed on an annual basis to its three beneficiary charities who carry out the charitable works for the town. The Trust cannot spend the endowment nor can it indulge in any other charitable acts.
The net income of the Trust has exceeded £580,000 in recent years. This income is shared among the 3 beneficiaries according to the Trust's Scheme - this cannot be altered unless all three beneficiaries and the Charity Commission agree: