The Dartmouth Trust distributes its net income each financial year as follows:
Dartmouth United Charities (Charity no: 203399) -receive one-half of the income. The DUC provide low cost almshouse accommodation for residents of Dartmouth; and make grants to local organisations and people in hardship. Grant guidance and application forms can be found on the DUC's website. The Ecclesiastical Charity (Charity no: 800242) - receive one-third of the income for the repair and maintenance of ecclesiastical property in Dartmouth. The income from the Dartmouth Trust enables St Saviours, St.Clements and St.Petrox churches to be kept to a high standard. The Public Purposes Charity (Charity no: 800243) - receive one-sixth of the income for charitable purposes for the general benefit of the people of Dartmouth. This includes the upkeep of listed buildings owned by the Town Council such as the Market Square, Butterwalk and Guildhall; and for charitable purposes including grants to local organisations, as determined by the council. |
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